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Ahmyo Healing Hand Sanitiser

Ahmyo Healing Hand Sanitiser

Here at Ahmyo Headquarters we have been struggling to find hand sanitiser that is effective against germs, but also kind to your skin (as well as the planet) … so we embarked on making our own!

Ahmyo hand sanitiser contains 70% Organic Alcohol Base (to help battle COVID-19) and Organic Coconut Oil to look after your skin, but we did not stop there…

We also added some of our favourite Essential Oils. We specially selected Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Cinnamon, Rosemary and Peppermint for their ability to boost your immune system while fighting germ crime.

Lastly, we mixed in some Lavender to add an extra layer of kindness for your skin as well as leaving your skin smelling fantastic.

This amazing group of oils has Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial. Antioxidant, Antiparasitic, Antiseptic and Antiviral properties. Isn’t Mother Nature the best?

Hand Sanitiser Properties

All the Essential Oils we use are organic and of the highest therapeutic grade.

After thorough research we opted for a spray, instead of a gel, it lasts longer and the spray is easier to use on objects e.g. door handles, shopping trolleys, keys etc.

Midgies Be Gone! - While using outdoors we made a very satisfying discovery…the little rascals that plague Scottish lands known as ‘the midgie’ seems to dislike our hand sanitiser immensely. Whether its the Essential Oils or all the Love we pop into each bottle, those pesky critters seek fun elsewhere after a few sprays of our lovely liquid.

If you are intesrested in our Hand Santiser, please contact us at Ahmyo Healing Headquarters using the Contact Links at the bottom of the page.

We would love to hear from you.

We have various sizes and methods available:

  • 30ml atomiser ~ For those people who like to pack light. This little bottle packs a punch and retails at £6 per unit (£15 for 3).

  • 100ml atomiser ~ Great for parents who don’t pack light and who have little hands to keep clean as well as their own. This retails at £12 per unit (3 for £30).

  • 100ml bottle ~ Handy to refill the 30ml. This bottle retails at £10 per unit.

We chose blue glass bottles to preserve the ingredients. Glass is 100% recyclable making it kinder to the planet.

Unfortunately, the current cost reflects the small numbers we are producing. However we see the cost reducing as demand increases. Any bulk buying savings we make will be incorporated into the product price for all to benefit.

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